How Conexio is reinventing B2B cold calling with Starleads

Case study Conexio : Transforming BtoB prospecting into a quest for performance and precision with Starleads

Find out how Conexio, with the help of Starleads, transformed the telephone marketing approach into a precise science, offering unprecedented added value to salespeople looking for quality leads. We present to you the case study of Conexio, an experienced BtoB prospecting agency, which knew significantly increase the performance of its campaigns thanks to our innovative SAAS service.

“[...] we gain in productivity, since where, out of ten calls, we call three answering machines, if we evade them, we get ten successful, well-reasoned calls, and with meaning.”

Christopher Batcabe.
Director of Conexio

The Challenge of Conexio

Conexio, in strategic partnership with Starleads, is embarking on an ambitious reinvention of cold calling in the BtoB sector, a crucial initiative in an increasingly competitive market. Their challenge? Transforming a traditional business environment into a platform of unparalleled efficiency and precision.

Despite two decades of experience and an experienced team, Conexio faces a major problem: how to refine the quality of their data and significantly increase the dropout rate, while ensuring a perfect match between prospects and the services offered.

This quest, without revealing the solution yet, raises a crucial issue - How to navigate and excel in the dynamic and demanding world of BtoB telephone marketing, by increasing the conversion rate and reducing the time allocated to ineffective approaches.

Conexio, with the support of Starleads, is therefore embarking on an adventure where innovation, performance and commercial acumen come together to redefine the standards of cold calling.

The Solution with Starleads

Conexio's collaboration with Starleads marked a turning point in their cold calling strategy. By integrating our SAAS solution, Conexio was able to target and enrich its prospect database, ensuring that each call reached maximum potential.

Our advanced technology has optimized interactions, allowing Conexio to focus its efforts on the most promising leads and significantly increase its conversion rates.

This approach has not only improved the effectiveness of campaigns by Conexio, but also allowed for better allocation of resources and a significant increase in the return on investment in BtoB telephone marketing.

“In terms of successful calls, we had an increase of 36% [...] We were at 20% of successful calls in 2022, and we are almost at 40% in 2023.”

Antoine Degruson.
Project manager at Conexio

To a New era Telemarketing

Thanks to Starleads, Conexio has transformed its cold calling approach into BtoB, demonstrating the revolutionary impact of technology on sales strategies. This collaboration has made it possible to optimize interactions with prospects and to significantly improve conversion rates. This partnership established a new standard in the use of advanced technologies to maximize sales efficiency, thus proving that technological innovation is crucial in order to exceed expectations in the business world.

Discover the Starleads Academy

The Starleads Academy exists for anyone who wants to revolutionize their approach to commercial prospecting.

Our credo? Learn, practice, and excel. With a team of passionate and recognized experts in the field, Starleads Academy offers a dynamic and concrete learning environment.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, our masterclasses, workshops and personalized coaching are designed to meet your specific needs and propel you to new professional horizons.

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Want toLearn more on Starleads?

Prequalification of prospecting files:
At Starleads, our mission is to optimize commercial performance through innovative technological solutions. Until now, our main service has been a revolutionary SaaS tool for cold calling professionals. This solution made it possible to considerably improve the quality of salespeople's data, to increase their dropout rate in telephone prospecting, and to prioritize calls on truly qualified leads. We intervene in the prospecting process between the creation of the prospect file and the initiation of calls, thus ensuring the verification and overqualification of the prospecting files.

Treatment of incoming leads:
Today, Starleads is ready to take the next step. We are launching an innovative product dedicated to the management of incoming leads: a telephone robot, a virtual agent capable of processing and pre-qualifying these leads. The main challenge with incoming leads is their varying quality — often with few or no qualifications. A lot of commercial time is lost dealing with these leads, which are ultimately not very interesting. Our new solution addresses this problem by automating the pre-qualification process. Businesses will be able to customize their bot, programming questions specific to their domain and products for effective pre-qualification. This way, only the most relevant leads will be sent to sales representatives, which will save time and increase the chances of conversion. In conclusion, Starleads is committed to providing continuous added value to its customers. By complementing our existing offering with this new service for incoming leads, we are marking our position as a leader in the innovation of sales tools, continuing to revolutionize business practices for the success of our customers.

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